Very many people in our area of Seattle experience chronic tension headaches. These headaches can significantly lower your quality of life and be extremely incapacitating. Not to mention, they are very challenging to treat.

A headache that lasts longer than three days, recurs frequently, and is characterized by pain behind the eyes or near the temples is referred to as a chronic tension headache. If you frequently experience tension-type headaches or only occasionally experience them, you’ll probably encounter a wall of frustration when looking for solutions.

Fortunately, at Ultra Chiropractic, we have a lot of knowledge about how these headaches develop and what we can do to treat them and lessen their effects.

Why Do Tension Headaches Occur?

A tension headache can be brought on by numerous factors. These headaches are typically the result of a nervous system imbalance. Our bodies can solve issues quickly when the nervous system is functioning properly. When we’re pressed for time, we’re more likely to take short cuts and act in a less-than-healthy manner, resulting in anxiety, pain, and stiffness. We need to find a way to ease into whatever we’re doing and slowdown in order to avoid a tension headache. Some people experience tension headaches as a result of chronic stress. To avoid developing chronic tension headaches, you need to develop the ability to spot when stress is affecting you and find coping mechanisms before it becomes a problem.

Tension Headache Symptoms

Pain behind the eyes or in the temples is the most typical sign of a tension headache. Additionally, the back, neck, or forehead may experience pain. Some individuals may also feel a tightness in their jaw or neck, dizziness, fatigue, or nausea. If you frequently get headaches, they might not be the usual tension headache. These could be migraines or be caused by musculoskeletal problems. Other conditions like vascular headaches, encephalitis, can result in headaches that are not tension headaches. These pains are typically throbbing or feel like a hot poker is piercing your head.

Treating a Tension Headache

Having a tension headache can make it challenging to know what to do. It can sometimes be beneficial to stop what you’re doing and lie down if you’re in pain. This gives your mind some time to relax and come up with a solution. You can take medications to lessen your symptoms if you’re feeling nauseous.

When there are so many possible causes of tension headaches, searching for a solution can be frustrating. Talking to your doctor about any illnesses or injuries you may have that could be the source of your headaches can be helpful if you frequently get headaches that aren’t the typical tension headache. To lower your risk of developing a tension headache, you can also try to eat healthier, exercise frequently, and manage your stress. You can also try out a few natural treatments for tension headaches to see if they work.

Ultra Chiropractic Can Help

Ultra Chiropractic is committed to your overall health and well-being, which is why we provide routine chiropractic adjustments to help your body return to its natural state of optimal health and give it the support it needs to recover from any injury, no matter how minor. Call us right away!

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Ultra Chiropractic

Call Us: (206) 527-0123

Visit Us: 1100 NE 47th Street, Ste 101
Seattle, WA 98105

Office Hours

Monday: 9AM – 6PM
Tuesday: 2PM – 6PM
Wednesday: 9AM – 6PM
Thursday: 2PM – 6PM
Friday: 9AM – 5PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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